
KACTE 2020 is the association’s currently adopted strategic doing plan
KACTE 2020 Preface
KACTE 2020 Goal Chart
KACTE 2020 Tracking Chart
KACTE Action Schedule


The Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education (KACTE) is the only professional association for ALL Career and Technical Educators in Kentucky. KACTE members work in all instructional levels of Career and Technical Education (CTE): middle schools, high schools, secondary career and technology centers, technical and community colleges, and universities, as well as at the Kentucky Department of Education and the Kentucky Community and Technical College system offices. All CTE program disciplines are represented in KACTE’s membership: administration, agriculture, business, computer science, construction, engineering and technology, family and consumer sciences, health sciences, information technology, JROTC, law and public safety, media arts, manufacturing, marketing, pathways to careers, and transportation.

KACTE’s mission is to develop and provide leadership and advocacy to advance Career and Technical Education.

KACTE’s current Board-adopted goals are:

  • MEMBERSHIP: Increase membership 5 percent annually, using surveys to guide recruitment strategies. Highlight member achievement and establish a membership contact network.
  • LEADERSHIP: Expand participation and develop presentations and tools in KACTE leadership and professional development programs.
  • ADVOCACY: Educate state and federal legislators about CTE needs in Kentucky, including development of recommendations for optimal organization and delivery of CTE in Kentucky.
  • SOCIAL MEDIA/MARKETING: Improve Social Media content and increase users by 20 percent. Consider additional platforms and possibility of KACTE merchandise.
  • BOARD CAPACITY: Communicate opportunities to serve, ensuring representation from all CTE content areas. Explore further use of virtual meetings for all KACTE activities.

KACTE’s Bylaw objectives are:

  • Leadership and Program Improvement — To foster excellence in CTE in Kentucky.
  • Policy Development — To advocate Kentucky and national policy to benefit CTE.
  • Knowledge Connectivity — To act as a clearinghouse for education and information relating to all aspects of CTE, while providing an access for professional development.
  • Awareness — Promote public awareness of the value of CTE as an integral part of the total program of education and solicit public support for these programs.

KACTE offers individual member benefits, such as professional publications, interactive websites, professional development opportunities, and various insurance options, including professional liability.

  • KACTE is the legislative voice for CTE at the state and federal levels. KACTE contracts with McCarthy Strategic Solutions to act as a Legislative Agent representing CTE in Kentucky.
  • KACTE is an independent information source on CTE, with programs planned, directed and implemented by its members.
  • KACTE is dedicated to enhancing professional development opportunities for its members to further their knowledge and understanding.
  • KACTE is continually seeking to build partnerships and public awareness in support of CTE.
  • KACTE is a dedicated supporter of Career and Technical Education Student Organizations (CTSOs).

KACTE programs include:

  • Management of the Annual CTE Summer Program, including stipends for middle school teachers to offset registration and expenses.
  • Scholarships for pre-service teachers to assist in the financial obligations encountered with student-teaching assignments.
  • The TALENTS (Teachers As Leaders — Empowering New Thinking Skills) Leadership Academy.
  • Surviving to Thriving, a program for early career teachers.
  • CTE Learn!, an on-line professional development and learning site for CTE professionals.
  • Student Leadership Day, a civics program in Frankfort for CTSO officers and members.
  • Sponsorship of the annual CTE Entrepreneurial Contest for high school students.
  • Presentation of the annual Career and Technical Education Awards of Excellence.

KACTE asks all Kentucky Career and Technical Educators to review the pages on this website and become informed about the issues facing CTE in the Commonwealth. These issues affect your career. Making an impact on behalf of Career and Technical Education is a challenge for us all. KACTE is doing its part to represent CTE. Please consider joining with your colleagues in KACTE to make OUR voice stronger in meeting the challenges. It is an investment in YOUR career.

Membership information and applications are located on the Membership page of this website.

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